AllTech Services, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Ashburn’

Do You Need a New Air Filter for Your Cooling System?

Monday, August 22nd, 2016

If you or anyone in your household suffers from allergies or asthma, then you likely already know how important it is to maintain good indoor air quality in your home. However, even if you don’t have a home where allergies are a big deal, poor indoor air quality can still affect you and your home.

While a whole-house air filtration system is the best option to improve your air quality, another factor to think about is the quality of your system’s air filter. When is the last time you changed your cooling system’s air filter? Were you aware that this task should be done every 1–3 months?

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Follow These Preventive Tips to Keep Your Garbage Disposal in Good Condition

Monday, August 15th, 2016

It seems as though you can’t own a home with a garbage disposal and never experience a problem with it. This type of issue can be rather frustrating, especially since the device makes it so simply for you to cook and clean without concerning yourself with clogs. Plus, it seems like such a small issue to call a plumber for, right?

Of course if you do have an insurmountable problem, our professional plumbers are more than happy to help. But in the meantime, we’ve shared some tips with you to help avoid common garbage disposal issues and keep this plumbing component in good condition. 

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What Are You Doing to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality?

Monday, July 18th, 2016

The air in your home may seem clean to the naked eye, but is it really? The truth is that most times the air in a home is actually worse and unhealthier than the air outside. This is because with today’s modern building practices, homes are built tighter to increase the efficiency of HVAC systems.

This is great for your air conditioner or heater, but not so much for your indoor air quality. There’s good news, however! There are a number of indoor air quality products and services on the market today that can considerably improve the quality of your indoor air. Keep reading to learn more.

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Don’t Fall Victim to Broken Pipes

Monday, July 11th, 2016

One of the most common plumbing emergencies people deal with in their homes is leaking pipes. They also tend to be one of the most difficult problems to find, unless of course a burst pipe is leaking huge amounts of water or a clearly visible pipe is leaking.

Unfortunately, this means that many homeowners are unaware that they need plumbing repairs until it’s too late and damage has already been done. The good news though, is that there are some signs you can watch out for that indicate a leak is present, so you can go ahead and call for professional plumbing services.

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The Importance of Regularly Changing or Cleaning Your HVAC Air Filter

Monday, June 13th, 2016

The heat of summer is well on its way, and when it reaches its peak you’ll want to know that you’ll be able to cool your home as effectively and efficiently as possible. In order to get the reliability you deserve, you want to make sure to schedule routine professional maintenance, so that your HVAC technicians can thoroughly clean and inspect all aspects of your system.

In addition to professional maintenance, however, there are a few tasks you can and should take on yourself. This includes being diligent about either changing or cleaning your air filter on a regular basis. Doing so will ensure that your air conditioner performs well throughout the season.

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The Refrigerant Misconception: Could a New AC System Be a Better Investment?

Monday, June 6th, 2016

Most homeowners do not understand the technical details behind how an air conditioning system works. This is to be expected, particularly when you consider the complexity of modern air conditioners and the years of training required to become a technician who is licensed and trained to repair and install them.

However, there are some common misconceptions about air conditioners that can actually get in the way of properly caring for a system and knowing when to call for repairs. One of the biggest myths is in regards to how refrigerant works, and we’d like to help clear this up.

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3 Signs of an Overworked Air Conditioning System

Monday, May 9th, 2016

As summer approaches, your thoughts will likely soon be turning to your air conditioning system. Hopefully, you have a fully functioning system that has never given you any problems. One way to ensure this is the case is scheduling routine maintenance at least once a year. This maintenance appointment allows your HVAC professionals to fully inspect and clean your system, plus recommend repairs that will help keep your system running as efficiently as possible for as long as possible.

However, even with the best maintenance plan, air conditioner systems eventually wear down and need to be replaced. But how will you know when it’s time? We’ve shared 3 signs below of an overworked air conditioning system, which may indicate it’s time for you to start shopping for a new unit.

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Choosing the Best Air Conditioner for Your Home

Monday, April 25th, 2016

As we discussed in last week’s blog post, now is the perfect time to determine if your air conditioner needs replacing. A properly functioning air conditioning system is vital for Virginia summers. It’s important to take a pause though, and make sure you are purchasing the best type of air conditioning system for your home and your family’s needs. We’ve listed a few systems we offer below, along with their benefits.

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Does Your Air Conditioner Need Replacing?

Monday, April 18th, 2016

While our weather is still on the cooler side, heat and humidity will be here soon enough. When those hit, you’ll want to ensure you have a properly functioning air conditioning system. So if you noticed any troubling signs last year, now is the time to consider if it will be worth repairs this year, or if it’s time for a system replacement.

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