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Don’t Neglect These Mid-Season Heating Needs

technician-working-on-furnaceWith the weather still chilly enough to need our heaters on a daily basis, chances are that if something is amiss with yours, you’ve taken notice. But what if it seems to be working just fine, although you skipped maintenance this year?

Heating maintenance is a service we recommend in the fall. This is because it gives our technicians the opportunity to comprehensively clean, inspect, and adjust your heater so it performs as efficiently and as effectively as possible when you need it the most.

But if you skipped maintenance, you may find yourself facing heating system problems very soon, or potentially toward the end of the season. If something does seem off, whether you had maintenance done or not, the best thing you can do is call for heating services. But what sort of problems or signs of a malfunction should be watching out for?

A Drafty Home

Maybe you’ve discovered that your living space isn’t heating up as fast it used to, or you notice cold spots in certain areas of your household. If so, you may be dealing with a heater that is declining in performance.

It could also be something else though, like a problem with a miscalibrated thermostat, or even breached cutwork. These can also impact the air conditioner when spring rolls back around.

Strange Noises from the Heater

No matter how minor a noise might seem, if your heater is making sounds you’ve never heard before, you are right to be concerned about them. A few noises, in particular, that should alert you it’s time to call in a pro including mechanical clanging or banging, hissing or clicking, or just general, unexpected noisy operation.

Increased Utility Bills

A spike in your energy bills over the winter months is normal of course. But what you shouldn’t see is a drastically different bill than you did this time last year, or than what your neighbors are paying for comparable use of their similar heating systems. If you are paying too much, it’s a sign that your heater isn’t working as efficiently as it once did.

The System is Short-Cycling

Short-cycling is the process where your HVAC system turns on and shuts off in rapid succession. This increases the wear and tear on the system. If this is occurring with your newer heater and always has, then, unfortunately, your heater was either not sized correctly or not installed correctly. Be sure to talk to our pros about your options, if this is the case.

Schedule Repairs As Soon As You Need Them

Even if the weather warms up to the point that you may not need your heater in a month or so, it’s a wise idea to have repairs done as soon as you need them. Letting a heating system sit in wait throughout the spring and summer with lingering repair needs can leave you with a completely broken down system when it comes time to use it again next fall.

For reliable heating services in Manassas, VA and beyond, contact AllTech Services, Inc. today!

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