AllTech Services, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘DIY leak detection’

Can I Find Plumbing Leaks Myself?

Monday, September 9th, 2024

What a wonderful world we live in today! You can find all the information you need in seconds with a quick search on the internet. We’ve come so far from the days of having to go to the library to look something up in a cumbersome set of encyclopedias. You can even find how-to videos that show you, step by step, how to do all kinds of things around the house.

This is amazing! But the extremely confident DIY gurus on the internet don’t always tell you which things are actually sensible to do yourself and which are better left to experts. Give your kitchen a facelift with a coat of paint and new cabinet knobs, sure! But what about plumbing, you ask? Can I find plumbing leaks myself? How would I go about it? We’ve got some important advice for you.

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