AllTech Services, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

Should I Repair or Replace My Old Air Conditioner?

Monday, May 20th, 2024

In our area, it’s pretty much summer already. You’re going to need to keep cool. Is your air conditioner up for the job? Old air conditioners are more likely to break down and require repair. And when they do, is it worth it to repair them? Or is a new AC unit a better choice?

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Air Conditioning Care: Time for a Tune-Up!

Monday, May 9th, 2022

You’ve likely heard of air conditioning maintenance. It’s a service performed on air conditioners and it has a ton of great benefits! If you don’t know too much about air conditioning maintenance, or you’re concerned about making sure your air conditioning stays in the best possible shape, it’s a good idea to learn a little about what air conditioning maintenance entails. 

You may be wondering, “How often should I schedule air conditioning maintenance?” or “Should I get an AC tune-up?”

We’re here to answer all of those important questions for you. Find out why regular air conditioning maintenance is so crucial and why you should be scheduling an AC tune-up every year. 

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Refrigerant 101: What You Should Know

Monday, September 13th, 2021

refrigerant-lineHow often do you think about the various components that make it possible for your air conditioner to function? If you’re like most homeowners, the answer is probably “not very often.” We understand. However, there is one component in particular that you really should care about—enough to know why it’s so important and what would happen if your air conditioner didn’t have it—and that’s refrigerant. Read on to learn more!

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These Signs Indicate You Need Air Conditioner Repairs

Monday, June 7th, 2021

two-techs-working-on-outdoor-ac-unitAir conditioning repairs are often time-consuming and can be quite costly—that is, if those repair needs aren’t discovered right away. Fortunately, if you are a diligent homeowner who has maintenance done at least once a year for your AC, then our technicians can alert you to small needs before they become much bigger and result in the need for emergency repairs or even premature system replacement.

Of course, even with maintenance, there is still a chance that a repair need will crop up every now and then. Therefore, it’s important that you be aware of the signs of an air conditioner in disrepair, so you can give us a call when those signs pop up, and we can get it fixed for you ASAP. Read on to learn some indicators.

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These Sounds Mean Trouble for Your AC

Monday, May 10th, 2021

woman-holding-hand-to-ear-to-listenSpring is going to come to a close, and soon enough we’ll be using our air conditioners on a daily basis. When that time comes, your AC system will be put under a lot of stress and accumulate wear and tear quickly.

Of course, the best way to fend off wear and tear for as long as possible is with routine AC maintenance. Maintenance allows our technicians to thoroughly inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it within your air conditioner. This helps the system work as efficiently and effectively as it should, for as long as it should.

Maintenance is key to keeping your cooling system in good shape, but repair needs can also crop up between maintenance visits, and for that reason it’s good to know the signs that something is amiss. One of the biggest signs of an AC problem is that it’s making strange or unfamiliar noises. What noises are we talking about, exactly? Read on to find out.

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Common Midsummer Cooling System Needs

Monday, August 17th, 2020

two-techs-working-on-ac-unit-with-clipboardDid you know that this is the time of year you’re most likely to have a cooling system breakdown? The reason for this is because it’s when your air conditioner goes through the most amount of work. If you have an aging system especially, components start wearing down and natural wear and tear can take hold of your air conditioner. This is even more to the point if you skipped maintenance.

If you do need air conditioner repairs this time of the year, it’s best you have them scheduled ASAP. Neglecting small repair needs now can mean in a few weeks, when you’re still using your cooling system, it could shut down on you without warning–except there was warning! Don’t let this happen to you–read on for some of the most common midsummer cooling system needs, and give us a call if you notice symptoms of this problem.

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“Why Is My Air Conditioner Hissing?”

Monday, July 20th, 2020

close-up-view-of-refrigerant-lineDon’t worry, you probably don’t have a snake hiding anywhere in your system. Besides, the “hissing” we’re referring to sounds more like air being let out of a tire. Alternatively, you may hear bubbling if this particular air conditioner problem is occurring. What problem is that, you ask?

Refrigerant, leaving then AC system.

Before we go any further, we need to clear up a common misconception. Refrigerant is not meant to leave an AC’s system. Ideally, upon manufacturing your air conditioner has enough refrigerant to last its entire lifespan. It’s in a closed-loop system and is the fluid necessary to transfer heat. It’s quite literally the component that allows your air conditioner to actually cool your living space. So, if it is leaving the system, what does that mean, and why does it matter? Read on to find out! 

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If You’re Losing Refrigerant, it Means THIS

Monday, June 24th, 2019

close-up-photo-of-refrigerant-linesYour home’s air conditioning system is a complicated piece of machinery. The majority of homeowners may get the basics of how an air conditioner works, but not all the intricacies involved. Therefore, you may not understand how each of the components work together, and what is “right” and “wrong” with what an inexperienced handyman might tell you about your cooling system.

For instance, have you ever been told that the refrigerant in your central air conditioner system needs to be recharged (refilled) each time you have a maintenance appointment? This is, unfortunately, a dangerous misconception. Because, if you’re losing refrigerant from your system, it actually means you have a leak. Keep reading to learn more!

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Is Your AC System Beyond Repair? Consider This Replacement

Monday, April 15th, 2019

ductless-air-handler-with-remoteWith temperatures warming, soon enough we’ll be able to start using our air conditioners on a regular basis. But, what if yours was having problems last year? If it’s aging and repairs just aren’t a cost-effective option anymore, you may find yourself facing the decision of replacing your cooling system.

Let’s say you have a central system in place. You should just stick with a new model of that system, right?

Well, not necessarily. If you have damaged ductwork that can’t handle another season of use, or your heater is aging in addition to your air conditioner, then you’d do well to consider the ductless system. Be sure to contact our pros if you’re unsure of your decision, and keep reading to learn of the many benefits of installing a ductless system.

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“What’s Causing My AC to Hard Start?”

Monday, September 3rd, 2018

top corner view of an outside air conditioning unitFirst off, if you don’t already know what hard starting is, allow us to elaborate. This name is given to a condition that can impact air conditioner and other mechanical devices (like your car, for instance) when the motors and compressor responsible for operating the system have trouble coming on and staying on.

If you’re unsure of whether or not your AC has an issue with this, pay attention when it comes up. Is the air conditioner stuttering as it attempts to start, but then cycles off soon after coming to life? Are you hearing clicking and grinding noises when this occurs, too? Then your AC is hard starting. But why?

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