Heed These Signs You Need Water Softener Services

June 10th, 2019

hand-opening-faucet-tapWe’ve talked in previous posts about the importance of good water treatment, and what hard water can do to your drains. Hard water, as a reminder, is water with high levels of minerals in it. These minerals include calcium, magnesium, and sometimes even iron—all of which are harmless to ingest (after all, we see them in multivitamins quite often!) but can do serious damage to your plumbing.

Unfortunately, these minerals create what’s called limescale, and this builds up within your plumbing pipes. It can not only create clogs, but because of its hardness, when it breaks off the lining of your pipe it can hurt the integrity of your plumbing, leading to eventual corrosion and leaks. So you know this—but do you know how to spot the signs of hard water? We’ve shared a few of the most common below.

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“Do I Need Water Treatment?”

May 27th, 2019

tap-water-running-down-a-drainIf you’re asking yourself this question, it’s absolutely worth looking into. The thing is, water quality problems not only impact your quality of life and your plumbing system, but they can also affect your health.

Your water supply does go through a treatment process at your municipal water plant before it reaches your home. And most of these municipal water supply centers are good enough to remove the majority of harmful materials. But, the water has a long way to go from that plant to your faucets and fixtures. Therefore, you shouldn’t rely on this as a 100% effective water treatment source—there’s always a chance that some trace elements of contaminants (such as lead or even cyanide) can make its way into the water supply you are using to drink from and bathe with.

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Can Treating Hard Water Extend the Life of Your Plumbing System?

May 13th, 2019

family-standing-over-kitchen-sinkThe short answer to this is, “yes,” but please allow us to explain….

The truth is, there are many water quality problems that can impact not only your plumbing system but your health, too. One of the most common water quality issues we have around here is hard water, though most homeowners aren’t even aware they have a problem!

It’s important, though, that you be aware of what hard water is, what its symptoms are, and what to do about it. Whether hard water is your culprit or some other water quality problem is impacting your home, our team can help you choose and install the right water treatment system for the job.

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Plumbing Dos and Don’ts to Avoid Emergencies

April 29th, 2019

worried-woman-sponging-up-water-from-burst-pipeHave you ever had a plumbing emergency in your home? If not, you’re very fortunate! We’d like to help keep that streak running. If you have had a plumbing emergency happen before, then you already know how detrimental it can be, and would probably like to do whatever you can to prevent it from happening again.

Our team has handled a number of plumbing emergencies and other plumbing problems throughout our years in business. Because we know what to look for, we have compiled a brief list of some dos and don’ts for you to follow in order to hopefully avoid these emergencies altogether.

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Is Your AC System Beyond Repair? Consider This Replacement

April 15th, 2019

ductless-air-handler-with-remoteWith temperatures warming, soon enough we’ll be able to start using our air conditioners on a regular basis. But, what if yours was having problems last year? If it’s aging and repairs just aren’t a cost-effective option anymore, you may find yourself facing the decision of replacing your cooling system.

Let’s say you have a central system in place. You should just stick with a new model of that system, right?

Well, not necessarily. If you have damaged ductwork that can’t handle another season of use, or your heater is aging in addition to your air conditioner, then you’d do well to consider the ductless system. Be sure to contact our pros if you’re unsure of your decision, and keep reading to learn of the many benefits of installing a ductless system.

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It’s Almost That Time: Schedule Your AC Tune-Up Today

April 1st, 2019

outside-ac-unit-with-tools-on-topSpringtime is officially here, which means warmer temperatures are right around the corner. Before you know it, you’ll be soaking up the summer sun, and hopefully getting some fun vacation time in. But, is your home ready for summer? What if you need air conditioning repair in Sterling, VA, and don’t even realize it? A broken down air conditioner is the last summer interruption you need.

Of course, this can be avoided by scheduling your AC maintenance tune-up session. Keep reading to see that we’ve outlined a few of the many reasons why you should schedule this service ASAP.

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“Why Is My Water Heater Knocking?”

March 18th, 2019

water-heater-tankSometimes, a noise might come from an appliance in your home that makes it obvious there’s a problem—like a screeching sound coming from your AC or heating system. Other times, though a noise can be so faint that you may think you’re imagining it, or think it’s so minor it doesn’t deserve your attention. One of these noises is knocking, coming from your water heater. Also described by some homeowners as a “popping” sound, this isn’t one to be ignored.

A knocking or popping sound coming from your water heater may indicate problems that can accelerate the longer you let them continue. Keep reading to learn more about what this noise might be, and what you should do about it.

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“My Heater Isn’t Working Right, What’s Going On?”

March 4th, 2019

technician-working-on-heaterThe official end of winter may be less than a month away, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have plenty of cooler temperatures ahead. So, the last thing you need to deal with is a heater that can break down at any moment. But if you don’t know the signs of a heater that needs repair, you could very well find yourself facing this scenario.

Experts state that it’s important to repair a heating system as soon as you notice a problem so you can avoid a bigger emergency and higher repair costs later down the road. Also, the sooner you repair a malfunctioning heater, the lower your monthly bills may be, and the longer your system will last. Read on to see if any of these problems describe what’s going on with your heater, and be sure to call our team to schedule your repairs!

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2018: A Year in Review

February 19th, 2019

It’s been a great year for AllTech Services! We want to thank you, our valued customers, for being a part of it. With 32 cities served and over 2,000 new HVAC, indoor air quality, and water heaters installed, we are proud of our staff’s continued commitment to providing great value, and competent customer service.

Here’s What You Helped Us Achieve This Year!

  • 12,729 Service Calls
  • 512 Humidifiers Installed 
  • 192 5-Star Reviews
  • 1,017 New HVAC Systems Installed
  • 567 Water heaters Installed
  • 2,006 Total Home Care Members

Our loyal customers know that when they contact our team, they’ll be able to trust in a job done right. This is true whether you have HVAC equipment that’s not working as it should, you’re looking for a hot water heater installation, you need plumbing pipe or gas line work done, or you’re looking for a money-saving maintenance agreement for your current systems.

Contact us today to schedule service or to ask about our Total Home Care maintenance program.

AllTech Services, Inc. is proud to serve customers in the Ashburn, VA area and beyond! 


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Need New Gas Lines? Call a Plumber!

February 18th, 2019

technician-working-on-gas-mainThe title of this blog post might surprise you… since traditionally a plumber is someone people think of as working on pipes that carry water and sewage. A professional plumber is someone who does installation and repair work on faucets, sinks, garbage disposals, sewer lines, and anything else that has to do with your home’s water supply, right?

Well, yes—but installing gas pipes is another very important part of professional plumbing services (though, not all plumbers are licensed for such work!)

Keep reading to learn more about this service that our team provides!

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