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What’s That Noise? You Need HVAC Service


Many things in your life will let you know, loud and clear, when they’re having a problem. It might be as small as your coffee maker or as large as your car, but when you hear it making a strange noise, you know something’s wrong. HVAC systems also may make odd sounds when they need service. What does that noise indicate? What kind of repairs do you need? Let’s take a listen.


This sound is generally caused by something being loose and moving more than it should. It could be a fan blade in your furnace or air conditioner, or it could be a section of ductwork that has gotten wobbly. You don’t want to take the risk that an off-kilter component will fly free and crash into other parts of your HVAC system, so have it checked out by a technician.


This sound can come from an air conditioner or heat pump’s coils. These tubes should always be completely full of refrigerant, but the bubbling indicates that air has gotten in there. How? There’s a leak! For air to get in, refrigerant must come out. This seriously harms efficiency and effectiveness, and will continue to get worse if it isn’t repaired promptly.


In addition to listening to determine where this sound is coming from (AC or furnace or ducts?) you might try to gauge whether this is a mechanical or electrical buzzing. Mechanical would mean components vibrating against one another, which does need repair, but is probably not a serious safety hazard. Electrical issues, however, can be. If you think it might be an electrical problem, get professional help ASAP.


Air conditioners, heat pumps, and furnaces all use motors to power fans. That’s how the heated or cooled air gets pushed through your HVAC system. And fan motors have a lot of moving parts. Importantly, they have bearings, which need regular lubrication. 

Without annual replenishment of lubricant, or even with regular maintenance if the system is quite old, the bearings can start to grind down and make a groaning sound. If you get repairs promptly, you might just need new bearings and fresh grease. If you let the problem continue, you could cause the whole motor to wear out and require replacement!


Many minor mechanical issues can cause metal components to click against one another in an air conditioner, heat pump, or furnace, or in the ductwork that they’re connected to. Any of this would indicate that repairs are needed. But if the sound is coming from a furnace, especially when it’s cooling down after a heating cycle, take it seriously.

The component in a furnace which keeps the combustion gasses safely separated from the air you breathe is called the heat exchanger. If it develops a crack, you can end up with carbon monoxide in your home. During cool-down, this crack may make clicking sounds. Get HVAC service in Sterling, VA right away if you hear clicks from your furnace.

AllTech Services, Inc. is your trusted resource for all your heating concerns. Contact us today!

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