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Have You Tuned-Up Your Heater Yet?

technician-inspecting-furnaceIt’s October! It’s time for pumpkin spice lattes, apple-picking, and Halloween festivities. Granted, all of these things are going to look much different this year than they have in previous years. But one thing is staying the same: you’ll need a fully functional and efficiently operating heater to get you through chilly days and nights soon.

And not to worry! Now is the perfect time to make sure your heater is fully functional by scheduling routine heater maintenance. Also known as a tune-up, maintenance helps to ensure that your furnace, heat pump system, or boiler works as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible.

During this service, our technicians look through your entire heating system, checking for any components that need adjusting, parts that need cleaning, and signs of repair needs. This benefits you and your home by:

Improving Your Home Safety

This is perhaps the most important reason to make sure your heater is well maintained, especially if it is a gas-powered system. This is not to say that your gas-powered furnace or boiler is inherently dangerous, but when it’s not cared for properly, it absolutely can be.

Gas-leak related fires and accidents are reasonable concerns for any homeowner, and these types of incidents are unfortunately not as rare as you’d hope. In fact, according to the National Fire Protection Association, heating equipment is a leading cause of fires in the United States.

Gas-leaks also lead to carbon monoxide exposure. Carbon monoxide, also known as CO, is a tasteless and odorless gas that can make a person ill, with dizziness, headaches, and fatigue. At it’s worse, it can (and it has) lead to fatalities. This type of exposure can happen if an old heat exchanger within a furnace or boiler begins to crack. Fortunately, this is something we check during maintenance!

Preventing 85% of Heater Repair Needs!

Homeowners are often surprised to find out that by keeping up with routine maintenance tune-ups for their heating systems, they can help prevent up to 85% of the repair needs it may ever have. This is because during that appointment, we look for signs of wear and tear and alert you to what needs to be done before it has a chance to grow into a much bigger, and more urgent, problem.

Routine annual tune-ups give your heater the best chance of making it through this winter and future winters without any interruption in service when you need it the most. Additionally, maintenance helps stop smaller repair needs and operational problems that can add up in time and money wasted.

Extending Equipment Lifespan

We’re guessing that you would like your furnace, heat pump, or boiler to last for as many years as possible. Early furnace replacements, after all, are an expense that no homeowner wants to deal with. Regular maintenance helps you stay on top of your heater’s repair needs, keeps the heating system clean, and helps the unit perform more efficiently. All of this combined means your heater has its best chance to last all the way to the end of its service life.

To schedule your next Asburn, VA heating maintenance appointment, contact AllTech Services, Inc. today! 

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