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What Is Geothermal Heating & Cooling?


Once upon a time, our temperature-control methods involved things like building a fire or cooling off in the water. Now there are furnaces and air conditioners to keep us cool or warm. But there are many other possibilities, too! Heat pumps, mini splits, even geothermal systems. How can you tell which you should get?

The least familiar to you might be geothermal systems. It does seem a little exotic! Geothermal sounds like a word for naturally-occurring hot springs. How does that translate to heating and cooling systems? How do they work? Let’s dig in.

Geothermal, From the Greek

Geo means earth in Greek. Geography and geology are earth-words you surely know. Thermal means heat, also from the Greek. Earth-heat! Inside the earth there is a molten core, a never-ending heat source. So perhaps the idea of heating with the Earth’s energy makes sense. But how can it provide cooling?

Even Temperature

At the surface of the Earth, and at the shallowest depths, the air temperature makes a big difference. That’s why the top layer of soil can freeze solid, or be warm to the touch. But if you dig very deeply, more than forty feet below the surface, the temperature will start rising more and more the deeper you go, because the magma is quite deep within the Earth.

In between, in the range from twelve to forty feet deep, the temperature always stays the same, no matter the time of year. This constant temperature is used for heating in winter and cooling in summer! It’s always exactly what’s needed. But down there in the earth, it’s a little hard to reach, unless you live in a twenty-foot-deep cave. We need to access it another way.

Carrying Heat

Generating heat requires a huge amount of energy, and thus a huge expenditure when it comes time to pay our heating bills. But what if you didn’t need to generate heat at all? If you can keep your home at a comfortable temperature just by carrying existing heat from one place to another, you’ll use a lot less energy.

This is how geothermal systems can be so efficient. Beneath the surface of the earth, piping circulates a non-toxic solution with a high level of thermal conductivity: it’s great at absorbing and releasing heat. Bringing warmth into your home or out, it operates so efficiently that you can potentially cut 70% from your heating and cooling energy use.

Benefits and Drawbacks

Saving this much energy means saving a ton of money. It’s a huge benefit, both for the environment and your finances. But are there drawbacks? The biggest obstacle to geothermal systems is the installation process. It does, after all, involve some digging. Is it worth it for all that savings? We’d love to discuss it with you.

Whether you’re considering a new system, want to schedule maintenance, or need geothermal repair in Ashburn, VA, we’ve got you covered.

AllTech Services, Inc. is your trusted resource for all your heating and cooling concerns. Contact us today!

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