AllTech Services, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Water Heaters’ Category

Water Heaters Need Maintenance, Too!

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

You know that your car needs maintenance and regular oil changes in order to keep running decently. You’ve probably heard that heating systems and air conditioners also need maintenance.

But what about your water heater? Do you forget about it entirely unless something is wrong and you end up in an ice-cold shower? It needs maintenance, too!

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Should You Repair or Replace Your Water Heater?

Monday, June 5th, 2023

If you’re having water heater troubles, even in the heat of summer, that is a huge inconvenience. And if the problems are particularly bad, or have cropped up repeatedly, you might be wondering whether repairs are actually worth it. What are the indicators that it’s time to replace your water heater? And when is a repair a better investment? Here are some guidelines.

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Why Your Water Heater Is Rumbling

Monday, December 5th, 2022

You’re relaxing at home, thinking everything is fine, and then you hear a strange noise. It sounds like something is rumbling. When you investigate, you discover that the rumbling sound is coming from your water heater. Is it a disaster? Is it going to explode?

The good news is that water heater explosions are extremely rare, to the point of being nearly unheard-of. If you have heard a story of a water heater exploding, it was almost definitely an old-fashioned steam-powered boiler, not the kind in use today. The bad news is that a rumbling sound indicates that you are in need of water heater repair in Manassas, VA. There are several things that could cause your water heater to make that rumbling noise. We’ll cover the two most likely possibilities.

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How to Keep Your Tankless Water Heater in Good Shape

Monday, April 11th, 2022

Tankless water heaters are one of the most cost-effective solutions for delivering hot water into your home. They’re also efficient, compact, and use way less energy than tank water heaters. Tankless water heaters are an excellent investment—and if maintained properly, your tankless water heater can last up to 20 years!

A tankless water heater is undoubtedly an effective way to get hot water into your home. But in order to get the most out of your tankless water heater, you have to ensure that it stays in good shape. This is done through maintenance.

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Is My Water Heater About to Fail?

Monday, January 17th, 2022

If you’ve found yourself asking the question posed in the title, chances are you’re a little stressed right now. Maybe your water heater is showing a symptom that you’ve never seen or heard before, and it has you concerned that your household is about to be without the water you use for bathing, showering, cooking, and cleaning.

The water heater is, after all, the unsung hero of any given home. It goes under a lot of strain, being used 24/7, 365 days a year. In fact, it’s one of those home comfort systems that’s easy to take for granted … until something goes wrong with it.

And that’s the thing: you can’t expect your water heater to work flawlessly throughout its entire lifespan. Eventually, your water heater will need repairs, and then hopefully even later down the line it will need to be replaced—no home comfort system lasts forever!

Read on to see if you recognize any of the following water heater symptoms, and learn what they mean for your water heater. Then give us a call if you discover that yes, in fact, your water heater is likely about to fail.

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Does Your Tankless Water Heater Need Maintenance?

Monday, March 1st, 2021

tankless-water-heaterThe short answer to this is “yes,” but don’t worry, we’re going to explain below.

The conventional storage tank water heater is large, always pretty noticeable, and can even be a bit noisy, right? In other words, the average homeowner who has one of these systems probably knows that it needs attention and care by way of professional maintenance. After all, scaling can have a big impact on the water heater. It allows mineral buildup (calcium and magnesium mainly, but also iron in some cases), that creates problems with water pressure, temperature, and even eventual corrosion. As part of professional maintenance, tank water heaters require occasional flushing.

But a tankless system is different, right? So why does it need maintenance? Well, for the same reasons a conventional storage tank water heater does, actually. Read on as we uncover the impact of scaling on a tankless system, and therefore why tankless water heaters need maintenance.

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Water Heater Installation: There’s Never a Bad Time to Go Tankless!

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

tankless-water-heaterWhen you need a new air conditioner, shopping in the middle of summer can feel a little hectic. After all, it’s the busiest time of the year for HVAC contractors, and you don’t want to feel rushed into a decision, but you need cooling now.

It’s different for a water heater, though. You can literally buy it any time of the year and not worry about a huge disruption in service. So, if you’ve been considering replacing your aging storage tank model water heater, now is the perfect time to consider going tankless!

Tankless water heaters have become increasingly popular among homeowners, and for good reason. Just like with any water heater system though, there are pros and cons to going tankless. We’ll get into them below, and we’re happy to help you make an educated decision about whether or not one is right for your household.

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“Why Is My Water Heater Knocking?”

Monday, March 18th, 2019

water-heater-tankSometimes, a noise might come from an appliance in your home that makes it obvious there’s a problem—like a screeching sound coming from your AC or heating system. Other times, though a noise can be so faint that you may think you’re imagining it, or think it’s so minor it doesn’t deserve your attention. One of these noises is knocking, coming from your water heater. Also described by some homeowners as a “popping” sound, this isn’t one to be ignored.

A knocking or popping sound coming from your water heater may indicate problems that can accelerate the longer you let them continue. Keep reading to learn more about what this noise might be, and what you should do about it.

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Is It Time for a Water Heater Upgrade?

Monday, December 24th, 2018

pipes of a water heaterWater heaters are, historically, very sturdy systems, designed to last quite a long time. This is especially true if you care for yours properly by scheduling routine maintenance for it. It’s important to note, though, than no matter how well you take care of your water heater, it won’t last forever.

The trick is being able to recognize when your water heater is, in fact, on its last legs so you can upgrade it before it has a chance to break down on you entirely—something that is inconvenient any time of the year, but especially in the winter! Do you really want to find out your water heater failed by hopping into the shower and be greeted with ice-cold water? We didn’t think so!

So without further ado, below are some warning signs that indicate it’s time for you to go ahead and explore a water heater replacement.

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Is Your Water Heater About to Fail?

Monday, January 9th, 2017

water_heater_failurePerhaps one of the most disastrous things that can happen in your household is a hot water heater failure. Nobody really notices just how important these appliances are to day-to-day living until something goes wrong with them. And when something does go awry, you want the problem fixed quickly.

Fortunately, we are here to provide repairs as well as water heater replacements if your system is too far gone. Of course, we understand that you’d like to avoid this problem all together, however. So we’ve provided some signs below that your water heater is warning you, so that you can give our professionals a call at the first sign of trouble.

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