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Does Your Air Conditioner Need Replacing?

While our weather is still on the cooler side, heat and humidity will be here soon enough. When those hit, you’ll want to ensure you have a properly functioning air conditioning system. So if you noticed any troubling signs last year, now is the time to consider if it will be worth repairs this year, or if it’s time for a system replacement.

Have You Noticed More Dust in Your Home?

This could be a sign that your air filter is clogged. While this is designed to protect the inside components of your cooling system, they do also affect air quality, so be sure to change it on a regular basis. Alternatively, dust might be coming from breached ductwork, which compromises the efficiency of your system.

Is Your System Too Noisy?

Have you noticed excessive noise coming from your system? If you hear a lot of rattling, this could be a sign that something is loose. A repair may be the answer, however if you’ve had regular maintenance and repairs done yet are still hearing excessive noise, it might be time to replace your system.

You Are Paying More in Utilities

If you find that you are spending more on your energy usage than your neighbors, yet your usage is comparable, then this can be a sign that your system isn’t running as efficiently as it used to. This is usually the sign of an older unit that is just about ready to retire.

You’ve Noticed Excess Moisture

A fully functioning air conditioning system should be able to effectively remove some of the humidity from your indoor air. Excess moisture makes your living space uncomfortable, not to mention it can be damaging to your health and to your home, encouraging the development of mold. If you have this problem or any of the issues mentioned above, it’s time to consider if repairs are really worth it or if replacing your system would be a more economical choice.

For air conditioning installation in Ashburn, VA, contact AllTech Services Inc. today!

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