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3 Signs of an Overworked Air Conditioning System

As summer approaches, your thoughts will likely soon be turning to your air conditioning system. Hopefully, you have a fully functioning system that has never given you any problems. One way to ensure this is the case is scheduling routine maintenance at least once a year. This maintenance appointment allows your HVAC professionals to fully inspect and clean your system, plus recommend repairs that will help keep your system running as efficiently as possible for as long as possible.

However, even with the best maintenance plan, air conditioner systems eventually wear down and need to be replaced. But how will you know when it’s time? We’ve shared 3 signs below of an overworked air conditioning system, which may indicate it’s time for you to start shopping for a new unit.

1. Age

Air conditioners are built to last at least a decade. That is, assuming that you have average cooling habits and keep up on your maintenance and repair needs. The older an air conditioner is, the higher chance there is for issues to happen, and the performance of your unit will suffer. If you’re unsure of your air conditioner’s age, check the name plate/sticker on the side of your outdoor unit, which is typically where the manufacturer date is located.

2. Higher Utility Bills

Are you paying more that your neighbors are for your energy bills, despite comparable energy use? This could be an indication that your air conditioner is not performing as efficiently as it once did, particularly if it is an aging system.

3. Frequent Repairs

All air conditioners need repairs every now and then. However if your system is aging and you’ve found that your repair needs have grown exponentially, then it may be time to determine if a system replacement would make more sense. Upgrading to a more efficient air conditioner may be more worth your money that continuing to repair an aging one.

For air conditioning replacement in Ashburn, VA, contact AllTech Services, Inc. today.

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